Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

It is vacation time and Christmas is literally around the corner.

With falling leaves, raking, re-doing the guest bathroom and a fairly extensive Winter cleaning, development and play time with the car has been slow at best. I have acquired a bunch of things, but none of them have made it on the car.

Engine and carbs should be done by the first of the year, so that is meaningful progress. I am going to pick them up around Jan. 2. I have also acquired some key spare parts which I will be picking up too. I hope to make the new dash and finish the electronics before having to go back to work on Monday, January 5, 2009.

Combine all of this work with some significant life transition coming soon, and I'm afraid I might again miss the beginning of the racing season. However, I feel confident we will be able to make several marquee vintage events this year.

We sold the Cramper this Fall. I loved that little motorhome, but honestly it cost more to store than to pay for a hotel room at each event. And, now we are not on the hook for gas, insurance, maintenance, etc. etc. So, instead at the beginning of this year, we are going to get a 7.5' x 24' enclosed car hauler. We'll put an AC unit in the top, as well as a microwave, refrigerator and bathroom. With some cots, dad and I could easily camp in it when the ladies are not with us ...

Merry Christmas everyone. More to come in the new year.