Monday, October 30, 2006

2006 TSCC Dixie Classic Autocross

One of my favorite autocrosses to participate in is the Triad Sports Car Club’s ( Dixie Classic. The event takes place at the Fairground in Winston-Salem on a figure eight race track. The course is always a fun one and changes up the typical convention center parking lot with nothing but a sea of cones.

This past Saturday, October 28, I took the Biscuit (name is a long story, but will share at some point soon) out for the event. It was a beautiful October day highs in the lower 60s, few clouds in the sky with a consistent wind.

I am not a huge fan of autocrosses, because I constantly get lost on course and I spend more time worrying about finishing than actually having fun. Road courses are preferable, because the speeds are much higher and you are able to really stretch the cars legs. However, when you have a strong club like the local one here, good turn out and a great track, you can’t help but get your car out and enjoy it with other sporting enthusiasts.

Things went well. We were given six runs and each session lasted about an hour. I completed all six laps without an incident, except for a +1 second for hitting a cone on my last run. The first four runs, I improved my time by a number of seconds, but never came within the four seconds of the class winner. The combination of newer cars and more seasoned drivers makes it difficult to be competitive.

The MG is a blast to drive given its good grip, minimal body roll and high torque. When compared to the high horsepower cars, the B does not require that you lift off the throttle as much and really challenges you to put it out there.

This was the final event of the season for me. The car is now going into the garage to undergo extensive preparation for next year’s season.

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