What quickly became the final event
It would not be a race weekend without high levels of drama for the Third Wave Advertising team.
First off, it was not a result I had hoped for and certainly not like what we experienced at Barber. I lost the pressure plate/throw out bearing in the second qualifying session on Saturday, so I viewed the group 8 production car race on Sunday from the stands outside of the carousel.
But the drama began long before we arrived at the track. It rained everyday from Thursday through Sunday – Tropical storms hitting the east coast and hurricanes traveling north on the Atlantic. We got as far as Durham, NC and the trailer started swaying. I always will speed it up a bit and pull out of it, but it wouldn't stop. It never sways much with the camper, because the camper just laughs back, but the Explorer is a bit different.
The swaying built up momentum and it was not too long before I realized that I was in trouble. The swaying got so bad that all four trailer wheels locked – they were no longer traveling forward - and you could hear the tires screeching as it swayed 70-80 degrees from side to side. I could see the entire car in my driver's side rearview mirror. Then the passenger side mirror and so on and so forth. The whole time I was slowing thinking I could minimize damage and getting pretty scared. Also envisioning turning on my side and losing both tow and race cars.
My kids were asleep in the back - clueless - and my wife was dead silent, sitting up straight, stiff as a board. By the time I got down to about 40, I hit the gas and pulled it out. From there on we went 55-60 mph with no more issues.
So, early Friday morning mom and I went over to a truck and trailer company in Manassas, Va., and had an equalizer hitch installed which balances out the tongue weight and eliminates the sway – it worked quite well.
After lunch, dad, my brother-in-law and I arrived at the track. We set up our paddock space, renewed my annual tech inspection and got registered before heading off to eat some of the best ribs ever in Winchester at the Cork Street Tavern (family tradition).
Saturday morning was light showers, so my first session was in the wet. This was my first time back since my October school and since then I have installed a new motor, new suspension, etc. So the objectives were to re-learn the line, find the right shift and braking points and get a feel for the suspension set up. I ran my rain tires and set the sway bars on a softer setting. In the wet I was about 15 seconds faster than my school times and found that my new motor had a lot more legs all over the track, especially on the front straight. The only drama was when finding the right braking points, I hit the brakes too soon going into T1 (at 100+ mph) and nearly beached the car in the gravel trap. While going through the gravel, I found second and surfed across, doing a huge donut in the grass on exit and slowly heading back on track praying that I did not lose my fuel lines underneath the car. I pulled into the pits, dad inspected and back out I went. My wife and sister joined us following this session, so they spent the rest of the weekend with us. Mom and the kids joined us on Sunday.
My second session was in the dry. I could tell with two hot laps and temperature in my tires that I was going to be able to post some competitive lap times. I had already knocked off 4 seconds in the dry turning a 1.35 on the two mile course.
On lap four, I came down the long front straight and the throttle stuck pegging the motor at 8 grand for about 1-2 seconds. At the point I pushed in the clutch with the motor pegged I think the revs were too much for the pressure plate or throw-out bearing and I lost all of the gears. I was able to match the revs, find third and limp back to the pits.
I won't know exactly what happened until I get the motor out. We did not attempt to fix it at the track. It had been pouring and we were paddocked in the grass/mud, so we resigned ourselves to a more leisurely weekend.
When the session ended my times netted me P3 in a grid of 6 F cars, but to no avail, my weekend was done. We packed up some ate barbeque, hung out at the worker party and walked the track. We were able to watch Auburn beat Tennessee – War Eagle.
This was a season ender for me. I will have to pull the motor and transmission in order to fix the car and do not want to rush to get that done for the next race weekend. And, other than a set of carbs, I probably won't make any huge investments this winter. This winter will be focused more on disassembling, cleaning, painting and modifying various elements of the car. I will work to improve existing elements such as moving the fuel line out from under the car, getting a new pump, regulator and modifying the battery boxes, as well as corner weighting the car. I have a bunch of other very small ideas for just making the car easier to work on and better looking mechanically.
Thanks to the folks at Third Wave Advertising for their friendship and support. Three races with two seconds are not bad results. Maybe we can get them a win next year.
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